The Joe Public Guide Series


The Joe Public Guide to the Jewish Phenomenon


Introduction                   Contents


This project began in 2012 when the author read in a news magazine that the global population of Jews was only about 13 million. This amazingly small population and its ancestors have had the most amazing impact on the world by virtue of its high achievers.

For example, the number of Jewish Nobel prize winners is far out of proportion to the percentage of Jews in the world population.

Other areas of massive achievement include academia, the arts, banking, commerce, the law, politics, show business and sport. There have also been some outstanding criminals.

This project has been written in England to list and profile mostly “household names” who have achieved either in England or on the global stage.

The author is a gentile who has made considerable efforts to maintain a level of accuracy regarding the information set out below.

During the authors 1993 visit to Israel, he travelled to Old Jerusalem and all its highlights. These included, YadVashem, the Knesset, MeahShearim, The Mount of Olives and The Garden of Gethsemane. Then on to Bethlehem in the West Bank where he visited Rachel’s Tomb. Other highlights of the trip included, Qumran and EinGedi on the Dead Sea, Massada, Jericho, Megiddo, The River Jordan, Tiberius, Capernicum, Nazareth, the Lebanese border, Akko the Crusader capital, Ceaseria the Roman capital, and Tel Aviv.